Thursday, November 19, 2015

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Culinary Bisnis

Nama  : Yudi Handoko          
Npm    : 14211471
Kelas   : 4EA04

Culinary  Business

One business that will never die until whenever is the culinary business / foodbecause these businesses provide basic human needs are most important, namely eatingCulinary business is having great potential but not all culinary business can run well. If wetalk about the stomach, the position and the location of a culinary restaurant can be veryinfluential, so I would prefer a location that is most easily accessible when they are hungry.This remains true for both culinary business position around the highway or in a mall.

This business would I start when all the planning and maturity of all parties are met,when I met will submit all the details to all parties who participated to make this business.Basically a lot of people who think that this business is a business that is easy andprofitable so that they oversimplify the process of making the business. And the fact thatnot a few people who ultimately failed half way through because no business kuilinerprepare them as well as possible.

In this culinary business is my direction that targets the bottom, middle, and up orall the good kids, students, and government officials. This culinary business will I promotethrough various media, including newspapers, magazines, as well as social media that support for introducing this culinary business, by giving things new innovations both for the employees and Integration of money intended to develop this culinary business.